“Starting training with Josh has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Under Josh’s guidance, I learned the movements and was able to make quite a lot of progress in my lifts. He is very good at both explaining the movements (so that you know what you are trying to do) and cueing (during the lift to make corrections).”

Jordan Share

“Josh is a truly talented coach. He is incredibly competent and knowledgable about anatomy and strength training and is a great teacher. He has an excellent eye for coaching technique which is important not only for performance but for injury prevention. Believe it or not, with proper technique, barbell training is completely safe!”

Natasha Barnes

“As a professional athlete I broke my hand rock climbing just over a year ago. I came to Josh in search of a way to stay fit for when I could climb again, a daunting task as it was a year before I could get back on rock. Through all of our work Josh has been phenomenal. He listened to all of my needs (and there were a lot) and tackled each obstacle whenever one arose.The biggest of which was finding out I have Osteopenia, the leading stages to Osteoporosis, last fall. Josh immediately eased my worries of being crippled by the time I’m forty (I’m 25 now) with an anecdote of a lifter who was told they could never walk again after having reconstructive surgery on both his legs who now not only lifts but lifts heavy; and by designing a training and diet plan to help me maximize bone growth.”

Shannon Joslin

“My favorite memory...[is] the time I tweaked my back, where I could barely sit up - let alone walk - and you walked me through how to manage the fear and the pain. I still remember ending that day going back to a 45lb bar that day. Even though it was one of the most (literally) painful things that happened, it was also one of the most empowering and confidence-boosting to know that even if something bad and scary happened, it could be managed, and there would be PRs in the future.”

Alex Allain