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Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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Real-time guidance and feedback from your home gym or gym of your choosing.

Josh guides you through workouts offering feedback on your form, weight targets, and tells you when it's time to move up to the next level.

Live training is our most involved and personalized level of online coaching. Josh keeps an eye on your performance, then tailors your training plan as you improve.

90-minute sessions are available in 1-on-1 and group sessions. Scheduling is subject to availability.

Requires an internet-enabled device with access to Zoom.

All training options include an online training program via TrueCoach, video review, and online logging. This coaching plan includes weekly progress updates, unlimited emai/text support, on-going feedback and recommendations, updates to your programming when appropriate, and support through the various changes in life.

Live virtual sessions via Zoom
Personal training program
Video form feedback
Program updates and adjustments
Weekly check-ins
Unlimited text and email support
Competition prep and support
Access to my private Discord channel